Brent Willis » Intro to Macro - Summer Video Lecture Series

Intro to Macro - Summer Video Lecture Series

"Intro to Macro" is an eight part video lecture series that is designed to introduce you to the basics of economics before you begin the course.
Each video lecture covers a topic that is integral to your understanding of economics, and collectively, should provide you with a strong foundation from which you can succeed in the course. Here's how it works:
1) Watch each video lecture and take good notes. One benefit of these video lectures is your ability to pause and rewind the lecture, which allows you to learn at your own pace.  You can also watch these videos as many times as you need in order to comprehend what is being discussed.
2) Develop an understanding of the material discussed, and collect questions you would like to have answered when you begin the course.  In our first week together, the class will discuss the topics and work on putting these principles into practice through assignments and discussions.  Together, we will check for comprehension.
3) Prepare for an assessment that will be given at the end of the first week of the course.  The assessment will cover the topics discussed in these videos, as well as the material covered in Naked Economics, your summer reading assignment.
You can watch these videos anywhere, anytime, and on most devices. Use your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Find yourself with some down time? Pick up a topic video! Didn't completely understand a topic? Come back to it at night when you're restless! I highly suggest watching these video lectures in order, as the topics scaffold on each other.
I look forward to having you in the course. As always, my goal is to work my hardest to have each of you become a student of economics who understands (and loves) the material, succeeds in the course, and passes the AP exam in May!