WASC/PBIS » Focus Group E: School Culture and Support for Students

Focus Group E: School Culture and Support for Students

Category E: School Culture and Support for Student Personal, Social-Emotional, and Academic Growth


Criterion E1: Family and Community Involvement


  • Evaluate the school’s effectiveness in addressing the School Culture and Support criteria and the supporting indicators.
  • Explain or reference evidence that supports your succinct, narrative response.
  • Explain how family and community involvement impacts student learning and well-being.

Criterion E1: Family and Community Involvement

The school leadership employs a wide range of culturally sensitive strategies to encourage family and community involvement, especially in the learning/teaching process.

E1.1 Strategies and Processes: The school implements a range of culturally sensitive strategies and processes for ongoing family and community involvement in the learning and teaching process for all students.

E1.2 Inclusive Cultural Understanding: School leadership values the cultures of students and adults through the learning opportunities and materials provided to develop an inclusive cultural understanding.

E1.3 Rapport and Trust: School leadership develops rapport and trust with students, staff, families, and the community, valuing the identities of all individuals.

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Criterion E2: School Culture and Environment


  1. Evaluate the school’s effectiveness in addressing the School Culture and Support criteria and the supporting indicators.
  2. Explain or reference evidence that supports your succinct, narrative response.
  3. Explain how the school culture and environment impact student learning and well-being.

Criterion E2: School Culture and Environment Criterion

The school leadership focuses on continuous school improvement by providing a safe, clean, and orderly place that nurtures learning and developing a culture that is characterized by trust, professionalism, and high expectations for all students.

E2.1 Policies and Resources: The policies, regulations, and resources ensure a safe, clean, and orderly place that nurtures learning for all students, including internet safety.

E2.2 Trust, Respect, and Equity: The school culture demonstrates caring, concern, and high expectations for all students in an environment that honors individual differences, social social-emotional needs and is conducive to learning.

E2.3 School Culture: The entire school community has an atmosphere of trust, respect, equity, and professionalism.

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Criterion E3: Academic, Social-Emotional, and Multi-tiered Supports


  • Evaluate the school’s effectiveness in addressing the School Culture and Support criteria and the supporting indicators.
  • Explain or reference evidence that supports your succinct, narrative response.
  • Explain how the multi-tiered support systems impact student learning and well-being.

Criterion E3: Multi-tiered Personal, Social-Emotional, and Academic Supports All students receive appropriate academic, social-emotional, and multi-tiered support to help ensure student learning, college and career readiness, and success. Students with special talents and/or needs have access to an equitable system of personal support services, activities, and opportunities at school and in the community.

E3.1 Multi-tiered Support: School leadership implements personalized, academic multi-tiered support and alternative instructional approaches to meet student needs.

E3.2 Multi-tiered Support Effectiveness: School leadership assesses the effectiveness of multi-tiered support for students’ social-emotional learning needs.

E3.3 Student Involvement: The school ensures a high level of student involvement in curricular and co-curricular activities that link to schoolwide student goals/graduate profile, academic standards, and college and career readiness.

E3.4 Student Self Advocacy: Students deepen their sense of self and make personal and community connections that are meaningful and relevant and allow students to become advocates for their own needs and supports.

ACS WASC Category E. School Culture and Support for Student, Personal, Social-Emotional, and Academic Growth Summary

Prioritize and list the strengths and growth areas for the criteria and indicators in this category based on the school’s identified major student learner needs.

Areas of Strength


Areas of Growth
